
A Study of the Favourite Activities of Primary School Pupils



This study attempts to identify and categorize those activities that children enjoy and
voluntarly engage in; discusses their implications for teaching and learning. The population
studied coneisted of more than f i e hundred elementary school p p l s made up of equal
numbers of boys and girls selected equally from nual and urban schools and representing a
younger and an older age set. The subjects were asked to list thee activities they moat
enjoyed engaging in. The responses were categorised. The results showed that the ectivities
1 most enjoyed were in the playing, sports and games category, followed by helping with
chores at home, then reading. The chi square test of goodness - of-fit was ueed to test for
differences between the age sets, sexes and physical locations. Signifiint differences wae
found at the 41 level between the two age sets in the Reading and Studyingategory
between the sexes in the Helping at Home category. but m significant diffaence was found
in the physical location variable except in the Excursion and Exploring category