
An Empirical Study of Professional Development Factors and Strategies for Job Enrichment and Enhancement of Librarians in Nigeria



Discussiorz is focrcred on the need for iibraries to promote
Professioual developi~zerfz of librarians and at the same tirne empower
then1 fifinancially in order to mofivate lhem to work. Lukewarm attitude
of iibrariar~s to innovatio~u have been identrfied as a negative
i i f lue~~ctoe professio?tal developnletzt, limited opporturzity for job
mobility as well as tlzeir jiizancial enlpowerinent. Purpose of the study
was to survey, idenifi, and repor: some of these factors. In the
methodolog; 1 I stntes in the federation were selected using s:rat$ed
random salnpling. 104 rqportcienrs were administered with
questiomaire. Because only 38 copies were received, the possibility
of generalization ivas doubfed, but we argued that since there was
tremendous reflection of the various shades of professional opinions,
poor returns may not udversely affect the validity and reliability of
jindiings. TZe papei. advocafes not on/) for an imnprovenient of the
professional hnowledge and skills of librarians, hut also for them to
place a proper pricej%r certain 'estm sewices ' they piform. One of
the suggestions was that librarians should strive fcr job enrichment
am! mhcncement.
Key words: Professional development, job enrichnzent/enhancemat,
monetization of librarians.