
Bioremediation of Crude Oil-Polluted Soil Using Bacteria and Poultry Manure, Monitored Through Soybean Productivity



I3io1-c1ncdiationo f crude oil - contaminated soil samples was carried out by
rnanipulatiiig natural bioremediation process through seeding with
cndogcnous oil degrading bacteria and addition of poultry manure. Their
cIficacy was monitored through their influences on germination and
productivity or soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr. ). Isolates were subjected to
imorphological, physiological and biochemical tests, and identified according
to 13ergy's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology as Pseudomonas sp. and
13crcill~r.s sp. . 8kg of soil, from the Botanical Garden. University of Nigeria
Nsultlta was placed in each of 56 bags and contaminated with 200 mls of
crudc oil. l'he contaminated soil was inoculated with 1L culture of
l?sc~/do~n~(~1.n5a xs 10' cell concentration). The same was repeated with 1 L
culturc o I~acillus (1.5 x cell concentration), 1L culture of
l',scz/do~nonus and Bacillus (consortium) (500ml each), 1 L of nutrient broth,
arid 2g ol' poultry manure separately. One set was left without any treatment
while I sct (control) was left without crude oil or treatment. They were
carsicd out in 8 replicates using completely randomized design. Three seeds
ol' soybcan were planted per bag after 30 days. The results from the
parameters measured showed that the control (without crude oil treatment)
had thc highest mean number of germination, plant height, leaf area, number
ol' Ilowcl-s and pods when compared to other treatments. This was followed
by the consortiuin (Pseudomonas combined with Bacillus), Pscudornonas,
/3acilltis, poultry manure, nutrient broth and crude oil in that order. ANOVA
sliowcd that the overall results of each of these treatments were significant at
1' < 0.05. From the result of the present study, the use of bacteria
(bioaugnicntation) and poultry manure (biostimulation) appears reinediative
to cruclc oil polluted soil.