
Costing as an Essential Instrument in Materials Management and Control



is study which covered one of the cement fibre
manufacturing industries in the country was a mixture of
librarv research and empirical or survey method of research.
Both primary and secondary sources of data were utilized
in gatlzcring relevant information. The primsuy sources consist
of questionnaire and oral interview while the secondary
sources were gathered from existing literature on the subject
matter of the study.
Tabular presentation of data analysis was used whereby
the effect and relationship one data had with another was
quqntified ' by simple representation and the
hypotheses were statistically tested.
This study has proved that costing is a veritable
instsumci~t for materials control in any industrial
organization. Given the importance of effective material
management in any industry, this stvdy recommends the
recognition and of course thz creatipn of good working
enviroiiment to enable the department function effectively.