



This study was designed to explore the effects of Origami instructional approach on JS I students’ achievement, interest and retention in geometry. Six research questions and nine hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design and was restricted to Nsukka local Government Area of Enugu State. Two Co-educational Secondary Schools were drawn for the study using random sampling technique. Out of the two selected schools one was randomly assigned to Origami Group (OG) while the other one to the Control
Group (CG). A sample of 101 JS one students was involved (65 female and 36 male students). The instruments for data collection were geometry achievement test GAT) and geometry interest scale (GIS). Data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The result of the study revealed that use of Origami in teaching geometry to junior secondary school students enhanced their achievement, interest and retention in geometry. The study also revealed that the use of Origami had no statistically differential effect on male and female students’ achievement, interest and retention. Furthermore, there was no significant interaction between gender and instructional approach on students’ achievement and interest. On the other hand, the study revealed that, there was a significant interaction effect between gender and instructional material on retention of the concepts taught during the study. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended that use of Origami should be adopted in the teaching of geometry (mathematics) in primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of education system. It was also recommended that seminars, workshops and conferences should be mounted by professional bodies, federal and state ministries of education on the use of Origami for mathematics teachers, students and others. This will enable the mathematics educators, serving teachers, students and all to benefit from such an approach.