

The G.S. 103 Course bok directs the student along some paths leading to
thk home or thecitadel of the aocial'sciences. It marks the streets and \OIIIS
lrjdmuks in that cty but hardly exhibits its treasures or cobwebs. 11 n oultl
tyrcforc be self deception to read the Book and claim a masterly know lcdpc
of Itbe Social Sciences. But, the ideal student can use it effectively for further
inchion In that sea of fish where, whoever cares to deep in canJake a catch !t
is therefore not just recommended. It is a Book for the course The arrangement into parts provides a general framework for the reader. B The"opening chapter is an information on what the student should know about this country and the University of Nigeria. Part one touches on the Social Sciences generally and justifies the label. Part :NO which is on development is designed to show that society is dynamic. Part three captioned "Government"
indicates the flow of direction between levels or human groups. Part four embodie some social elements influencing the behaviour of individuals and