
Genotype X Fertilizer Interactins in Hybrid and Open-Pollinated Varieties of Maize (Zea mays L)



Genotype x Fertilizer i~ll eracl ions 1rl two mai ze variel i es,
hybrid 8341-6 and opetl-pollinal ecl 17AltX-7 wer c P t~~tlietl. A split-plot
desi q11 in randon~izedc o~~~ple l e 01 ock des i (JII was ~rsedf or I he experi~nent.
Lime at 0, 1 and 2 tor~nes/l~oac ~up-letl l he nial II plol wl~i le t lle fertilizer
mix1 ures of nitrogen, phosphorus and polassium were cornbined in 3 x 2 x 2
faciorial and occupied the sul)pl.ot.