
Marketing of Computer Hardware in a Developing Economy: the Case of Nigeria



The Computer industry in Nigeria has come a long way,
starting from 1964 when the first Computer, IBM, zame into the
Country through the University of Ibadan. Since thc n, the growth
of the industry remained largely lackadaisical until 1980s when
Computer awareness grew with the emergence cf indigenous
Companies. The euphoria that greeted this awarenest* led to rapid
rise in the number of Computer vendors in Nigeria.
Apart from the general infrastructural inadequacies
associated with developing ecoiionies, i-5arl;eters of Computer
hardware in Nigeria complain of low demand vis-a-vis the huge
population of the country, unfavourable government -)olicies, cut
throat competition and unfair market practices resulting in
frequent fluctuations in the Computer prices and red- ~ced prof its,
among others. The study looked at the above woblems and
proffered possible solution. To achieve these abj~ctives, four
working hypotheses were formulated. Two sets of cuestionnaire
were used to source primary information used in testing
The following results were deducted; - Inadequate infrastructural facilities such as electricity
supply by NEPA and telecommunication services are nct the major
reasons for low Computer utilization and demani in Nigeria
vis-a-vis the country's population. Rather the greatest blame
went to low level of technological education 3nd Computer
literacy. - Proliferation of Computer Companies in Nigeria : s not caused
by high profits enjoyed by such firms as their prof .ts are still
a far cry from what Companies in other sectors enjwr. There are
no working regulations or conditions governing the ~stablishment
of Computer firms, hence the ease with which they zpring up. - The huge concentration of Computer firms in Lagos is caused by
the existence of desired market in that city. The mcst important
of all possible causes of incessant changes in tke prices of
Computer hardware is fluctuations in the exchange rate of the
Based on the above findings, far reaching rectmmendations
were made to achieve the purpose of the study.
In conclusion, it was apparent that a ccmprehensive
treatment of problems of marketing Computer hardware in Nigeria
requires the involvement of not only the marketing pra :titioners,
but also the government which has the responsibility cf providing
the necessary environment required to achieve the desired objective .