
MOTHER AND CHILD HEALTH CARE CENTRE IDAH, KOGI STATE. (A study on Circulation in Hospital Spaces)



Circulation in hospitals is synonymous to the nerves and arteries of a human heart.
Life is in the blood, yet without the nerves and the arteries blood cannot be distributed to every part of the body. If there is a cut or damage to a nerve or an artery the flow of blood would be distorted and in most cases leads to other illnesses .Good circulation therefore is a very important consideration in a hospital design. Spaces should be safe, convenient, and interesting.
Effective circulation is essential for all buildings for both normal and emergency conditions. Circulation in hospitals has to do with functionality of spaces, inter-relationship between spaces and nearness between activity flows.
This research seeks to carry out an in-depth study of hospital circulation in other to identify and promote the existing circulation patterns, review similar research works and obtain data, and information relevant to the area of study. This way, it would be an invaluable compendium of data to researcher in this field of study.