
Motivation and Productivity in the Nigerian Civil Service: A Case Study of Enugu State



This study is aimed at identifying the relationship between motivation and
productivity in the Nigerian Civil Service, taking Enugu State, as a case study.
It1 udiiressing the above reseurch problem, we hypothesized us follows:
(a) There is direct relationship between the motivational strategies employed
by Enugu State Service and its worker's productivity.
(b) Politics of sectional balancing employed by the government of Enugu State
is a major factor responsible for the low productivity of the State Civil Servants.
(c) Payment of high salaries alone is not enough motivation to ensure high
employee productivity in Enugu State Civil Service.
The type of data collection instruments used were questionnaires, oral
interviews, records and documentary analysis. A content analysis employed,
helped us to find out the views and opinions of citizens of the state about
motivation and productivity in the State Civil Service.
The use of multiple data gathering instruments was to ensure reliability and
validity of study. This was achieved through internal consistency method: content
(Face) validity and external criterion that checked the correctness of each