
Nigeria Police and Crime prevention A Case Study of Enugu State Police Command



The vital and indispensable roles Peace and Security play in all facets ofhurnan development
and existence, especially in our society is incontrovertibly invaluable and cannot either be swept under
the carpet or dismissed with mere wave ofhands. This is a truism because in any society, be it simple or
complex, developed or developing and rural or urban, man in his state of nature is a wanting animal, and
insatiable, who is always conftonted with the problems of diverse interest and goals, at times insoluble,
unless hfi-hgement upon people's rights is employed.
According to Olurnese, in Adeniyied. (1985 : 48), Citing Thomas Hobbes's history of an ordered
social life, using the theory ofUselfishness of man", man in his state of nature anything goes, and the
world was a jungle in which self-interest was the only thing which kept each man fiom slitting his
neighbour's throat, and stealing his possessions. During that primitive society, crime was neither frowned
at, given much attention, nor needed any definition or clarification. It involved no ofiicial action, but were
private matters. Individuals who were wronged would seek compensation from the wrong doer or the
wrong doer's family. This system got broken down when the family structures changed as the society
became more complex. And as people became more and more mobile, the private vengeance became
difficult, ifnot practically impossible to enforce. In order to put an end to the prevailing chaotic state of
affairs, men agreed to set up certain ground rules so as to survive. The only reason, however, for the
establishment of these rules was based purely on personal selfishness. "If1 am to live, I have to let others
live too, and XI am to have any secured possession ofproperty, 1 must let others have the sme security
as well".