
Nutrition Knowledge, Perceived Benefits of Healthy Eating, and Nutritional Status of Ebonyi State University Community Faculty



the study investigated thc nutrition knowledge, perceived benefits of healthy eating and
nutritional status of Ebonyi state university con~n~unityT.h e community is compsised of
main. Ishiekc and - Presco campuses. Inl-brmation on nutrition and perceived benefit of
hcalthy eating was obtained l'rom randomly selected 300 respondents within the age range of
20- 00 ycars. A 24-hour dietary recall and tlii-ec- day weighed food intake were used to
asscss the food intake pattern of 30 (10%) respondents. Analysis of data showed that 45% of
the respondents had good knowledge of nutrition, 30.7% had fair knowledge and 18.3% had
~mor kno\vledgc. Overall, mean nutrition knowledge of females (2.4620.77) was sliglitly
higher than that of males (2.43k0.83). Variety and balance were the major (59.8'!4)
characteristics perceived by the respondents as healthy eating followed by more fruits and
vegelables (20.5'%), more iiber (9.70/0), fresh natural foods (7.1%) and less fat (3.6%). More
males (42%) chose less fat as criterion for liealthy eating and more females (61.3%) selected
more fruits and vegetables. Food habit (56%) was the major factor that influenced food
choice followed by cost of food (34%). Thc major factor for non- academic staff were
looking attractive, living longer and doing well in sports. Increase in income was a function
of healthy eating. There was a significant ( p 4 . 05) positive correlation between educational
level and nutrition knowledge. As the educational qualification decreased nutrition
knowledge also dccreasecl. Nulrilion knowledge and nutritional status of the respondents
were comparable (pN.05). 'I'he mean RMI of the felnales (28.77 + 2.92) was higher than
that of males (25. 30 _+ 1.33). Twelve males (4%) and 50 (16.7%) females were obese. The
intakc ol'all nutricnls (energy, protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin. and ascorbic acid)
wcrc over 70'X for both males and females excei~t for vitamin A in females and niacin in
males. As judged by the results, continuous nutrition education programme should be
organized for members of Ebonyi state university community.