



Given Nigeria precarious financial situation which emanated the economic crisis of 1980s and 1990s, coupled with the poor quality service rendered by the public enterprises and their poor returns to investment, the privatization and commercialization of public enterprises aim at resolving an economic problem of operational inefficiency. Policies were designed to guide the implementation process of privatization and commercialization programme, but the implementation process of the policy has not been free from problems resulting from controversing which confronts the programme and the complex nature of our country Nigeria. This study underscores some of the major issues and problems of privatization and commercialization in Nigeria and provides some guidelines for evolving optimal modalities for a successful implementation. The first chapter is introductory covering the background of the study, statement of problems, research questions, study objectives, research hypotheses which focus on problems of implementation, significance of the study and scope and limitation of the study. Chapter two is a study of relevant literature, while chapter three takes a deep study on the method of the research which involves the research design, area of study, population of the study, sample size and sampling procedure. Others are the sources and types of data and instruments for data collection. Validity and reliability of research instruments and method of data collection are also contained in chapter three. Chapter four deals with presentation and analysis of data while chapter five deals with the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations.