
Strategies for Enhancing Students’ Interest in Art Learning in Senior Secondary Schools in Nsukka LGA, Enugu State



'I'liis study sought to idcntily tlic teachers' ad studcnts' pcrccption of the
strategies lo cnliancc sludcnls' i~ilcl-csl in Art Icarning ill Nsukka 1,ocal
C;overrlmcnl Area of 13nugu Stalc. 111 carlying out thc sludy, the rcscarchcr
forrnulatcd Iivc (5) rcscarcli qucstions. 'l'lic inslrunicnt for this rcscarcli was
il rcscarclicr-dcvclo~)cclq ucstionnaire, which has two parts.
1':u.t one sought personal inCormation aboul the tcacticr. Part two coniprisctl
thirty-three-itcrn qucstions in fivc clr~stcrsf ocusing on Manipulative Skills.
I~istructio~ialJ ?csourcc Available, 13~~1 Methods oS 'I'cacliitig and
Motivnliorial Stralcgics lhnl can cnlmcc sludcrils' irilcrcsl in Art. 'I'licrc was
also an invcstigalio~ii nto tlic ('actors tliiil inhibit students' interest in Art
Icaming. 'I'hc qucstion~iaircw as administcrcd to 40 Art teachers arid 240
students ra~idornlys amplcd liw the study in Nsukka 1,ocal Govc~~mcAntre a.
Mew scorcs wcre used lo answer tlic flvc-research qucslions.
Part of tlic fi tidings rcvcalcd that. ~iud~~aclqtus ire skills liw a nuriibcr of' art
works sdia s clcsignir~g of book covcrs, poster-s, coslumc and lcxlilcs.
Otlicr sltills acquir-ccl by studcnts include siniplc carving and moulding.
'I'hc studcnts learn bcttcr when they arc in contact with ~iiatcrialsu ticlcr
tnodcratc niolivaliot~. I