
The Anti-Inflammatory Activities of The Leaf Chloroform Extract of Palisota hirsute (K. Schum).



Ten plant samples were screened for topical anti-inflamniaory activity. Pdi.ra/n hi~w,ule af
(Fmily: Commelinaceae) gave the highest nctlvlty. A gradient solvent extraction of the leaf
wils conducted using petroleum ether (40" - 60"). cliloroforcn and methanol respectivel~.T he
dit'fcrent fractions were tested for anti-~nflarnrnalot-y activ~ty, and the chlorofor~n estract
showed the highest effcct. It was thcn subjected to f~~rtlieanr ti-inflanimatory and analgesic
tec15. using both topical and oral routes. All doses ofthe extract ( 1 00. 200, 300 and 400 pgikg)
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