
The Impact of Sap on the Productivity of Merchant Banks In Nigeria (1985-1990).



since the introduction of the Structural ~djustment
Programme (SAP) in 1986, no serious study has been
conducted to evaluate the impact of SAP on the
productivity of Merchant Banks in ~igeria. This
study has been designed to bridge this qap in knowledge,
The study has been partitioned into five chapters,
Chapter 1 covers the introductory phase of the inquiry
which includes statement of the problem, objectiveof
the study, significance of the study, literature review
and methodology,
In chapter 2, we examined the oriqin and deve-
lopment of merchant banks in ~iqeria, In addition,
the functions and services rendered by merchant banks
were critically analysed,
Tn chapter 3, we examined the oriqin and deve-
lopment of the Structural Adjustment Programme in
Nigeria and its impact on the performance of the
merchant banks in the country.
Chapter 4, which is the main chapter, concentrated
on the impact of SAP on the productivity of merchant
banks in ~igeria. The profit marqin and productivity
of these banks before SAP was introduced were compared
to the performance of these banks since 1986 when
SAP came into operation.
We summarized and concluded in chapter 5.