
The Socio-Economic Characteristics of Rice Farmers in Aninri L. G. A. of Enugu State, Nigeria



The study investigated the socio-economic characteristics of the rice farmers in Aninri
L.G.A. The target population was all the rice farmers in Aninri L.G.A. of Enugu State. From
two villages randomly selected in the study area, 40 rice farmers were randomly chosen and
studied. Data were collected by the use of interview schedules developed and validated. Data
were analysed by the use of frequency counts, mean scores and percentages. Also the correlation
co-efficient was used in the analysis of data. The study examined the rice production
technologies adopted by the rice farmers, the source of information and supply of rice production
technologies, It also examined the relationship between adoption and such farmers' socioeconomic
variables as gender, marital status, age, rice farming experience, level of education,
tenural status, farm size, household size and income realizable from rice. Finally, further
characteristics of the rice farmers was measured by comparing the allocation of resources to rice
in relation to other crops grown as majors. Equally, the characteristics of the rice farmers were
measured by comparing farmers' rice production output and adoption decision including
examination of the cropping syst~ml,a bour sourcing, source of input supply as well as source of
' information. The study showed that there had been shift in cropping system from mixed
cropping to catch cropping system. The investigation also showed that about 70.00 percent of
the rice farmers had supply of improved varieties of rice from friends and neighbours while
fertilizer, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides were supplied by private dealers. Friends and
neighbours were the most widely used source of information.
The study also showed that the most adopted rice production technologies were planting of
improved varieties and the use of fertilizer, and the least adopted technology was the test of soil
before planting. The results of correlation coefficient technique showed that income realizable
from rice, farm size, rice farming experience and leveI of education demonstrated the most direct
relationship with the adoption offrice production technologies. The study also discovered that
rice was being allocated greater amount of land, fertiIizer and capital expenditure on labour.
Rice production output was highly positive and significantly correlated to the adoption of rice
technologies. There had been greater involvement of hired, in rice production
operations attributed to low stamina needed for the and less
cultural importance attached to rice as a crop. The study recommended intensification of the
activities of extension services; introduction of a planned programme on the use of herbicides; a
prbgrarnrne to reduce high demand for fertilizer; intensive use of radio for information
dissemination; and a programme to accommodate the cultivation of other food crops be
developed and introduced in the study area.