
An Ethical Guide Row Ards the Acquisition and use of Property in Contemporary Nigeria



l'he goods of' the earth belong lo all men only to the extent we uphold
"productive causality" as primordial title to property. 1:vcn so, this position is tenable
only when we go by the logic that the source of this productive causality belongs to
all men in common. 'Thus, this 'source', through the Law of Nature, ordains that man
has to reduce the universal principle ol'owncrstiip of material goods to particular by
irnprinting his personality on this or that piccc ofnlatcrial or thing. This he docs by
'ellkctive occupancy' through labour. 1Ic can thus be variously entitlcd to certain
quuntilios o1'~hesc goods ol'thc earl11 prinlordially given to all lncrl in common as his
own private property.