
Bioconversion of Wheat Straw by Lentinus Tuber Regium and its Potential Utilization as Food, Medicine and Animal Feed



ABSTMW: Bioconversion of whcat straw supplemented or not with ammonium nitrate by
Lcnrirrus rubrr regi~rnr (Fr) was investigated by long tern solid statc fermentation using fun~al
growth, sclerotiun? and spomphore production. lignin degradation and the in viho digestibility
as indices of bioconversion capabiliry. Whcat straw suppfled vigorous fungal growth
producing sclerotium and fruiting body initials within 50 days. Lenrinus rrrhrr regirrm
demonstrated high Egnolytic capability with high lignin degradation (Org, matkrflipnin
degradation coefficient = 2). Fungal growth mcdiated specific pliysicochemical transformation
of slrw suhstrarc including degradation af lignin and increase of in virro digestibility of strnw
sub:;lrate, arid production of' high quality sclcrotiuri~ and froiting bod),. Ammonium nitrate
supplement, although. played little or no role in sclerotium and fruiting bod? initiation. induced
very high incrcasc in fungal metabolic rate, sustained greater sclerotium and fruiting hody
yield, lignin degradation, cnhanccd lignin dcgradation coeflicien!: breakdown of organic
matrcr, and greater efficiency of degraded organics. 11 howcver delay4 and depressed the
increase in the in vitro digestibilky of straw substiate. Protein analysis of the sclerotium
sl~owcdh igh values of protein with a high q u a l ~a~m.m o acid profile for humans Regression
analysis showed proeohonalif?. berwecn a) lipin degradation and the in rirro digestibility b)
dcgradation of organic matter and scierotiumlfruiting bod!: production c) lignin degradation
and degradation of organic maner. The above underscore Ihc capabilib of' Lenimm tuber
regiurn 10 selectivcl> bidcpadc Iignin and efficiently mediate conversion of wheal straw to
high qualiy mushroom for humans and, upgraded high quality animal feed.