
Biogas Production as Influenced by Ageratum Conizoides and Aspillia Africana Residues, and Biofertilizer from Biogas by Product



Uiogassing of organic residue is a
biological process wl~ichp roducei rcnew~blee nergy
and rtlsour'ccs 101' lllc nlallJyclncl1t of enviro~lnlrnlal
Ilealth., Tlie by proilucr of biop~ssinb! or'yanic nl.irter
such as pou1u.y clruppi~igil urry, ~l~oug~h'ic hin ~IJIIL
~lutl-ients,a nd so potentially, a good I'crtilizer source,
poses serious c~ivi~.u~unenpt~s.lo bleni,i f applied in
ficlds witlwut adec)uare, t i ~ w consulning curing.
Rcporti of phytoroxicity, soil launal toxicity,
, obnoxious u~illc.dtlry odour JII~ soil srructursl
degrad~~ion,c onsequelit on LIIC' applic~~iolol f
insuflicie~\rlyc ur'ed pouhy d~oppingb iogss - sludge
arc COIII~~IOII. This study on biogas production a~id
biofel'dizcr pr'otlucrion f ~ u n poult~y dluppingrcrn~
e~lr,lrion sludge = (biogils by pro~lucr),
Iligliliglrtcd rlw l-c;ourccfulncss ul' "Batch alld Dry
fementsrion Procedure" in biogcls production, and
also L I Ii~r ~ ~ po~f ctwr o wed; AI:~JILIIII co~iizoiiig$
l(Agcr) JINAI J ~ ~ ,~11I1Jk.l n.1 (ASI') ~t j i~iue01s1 bbga
\ p o d i ~ c ~ i o nIv oni fresh ~ r ~ l u . yc,l~ op~hgs .
' Fu~:rlier~iiorec, llecrive pl-oce~lure to achieve f.1st
biorcn~cdiarion2 nd biot~.a~\jlor.niarioonf tlie toxic
biogas fe~'~nerltatiosrll udge ~u biof'enilirer, which
could ellrcrively er~li.i~icer~ lviron~ncnr.Iil~ ealtll,a nd
boost crop yiclil was developed and higl~liglwd,
"B;ILC~I .mi Dry fer~l~ent~t iopnr ocedure"
simulraneoi~slyp ~u duced biog~ss pec~lilyC row fresh
poul~ryd r,oppi~r;;s and sulfici~'~itIdye wsterect the
fcr r~~c~~rasrluiodgne suitably, for the p~~oiiuctioonf
biofcrtilirer tllrougli (emliwonn co~nposrer)
ver~~~ico~~lpoTshtei ~relseo.u l-cefulnesso f two weeds:
(Ager) a ~ (~ASdP ) additive to accelmte and bohst
biogds proiluctiu~ais well JS the dewritering capaci~y
of "B~rch anit Dly fernlentation" procedure was
spcct.rculdr. (Agcl') i~liluced3 -fold increase in biogss
production and increased slr~dged ewater'ing by 33%
coniprred to 1 5"/0 increase wirll (ASP). Earthworm
v c~'~~~i co~l~opfo Lslrct i~Uiugy .ti by p~.oducitl jccclily
a~ld etfec~ivcly achieved fat bioremediririon a11d
'biotr,~nsCor~natioo~li Llie toxic sludge to p~oduce
. ..+ *o. doul--flee, non toxic biol'ertilizer which boosted
S - l'o~natog e~mi~lrrrioand iecdli,ng production 20-fold
;111d 6-IoM. ~'espectivcly. The biolrrrilircr boowd
311ioog oLJwrs rock pllosplixe solubili~ing power,
ph0s'~111or6uasv ~iI.ibili[y J I I ~ rlw terrility st;itus of
high crinljll acid soil ol N i g h . Socioeco~ro~iiic~lly
the tecllnologies developed I obvious arid
' Among the benetits, one call ciw up:rsding the
poultry waste to produce coil cflcctive,
e~rvironrnc~lr~frlielyn dly bioferrilim- to incre;ise food
production, and promorion of aestlietlc environment
rhl'ough the elimi~lation of foul odour wlth lu
~LLCII~;IIIC Ilealth I~azards. The blogas produced irom
the waste Is also specwcular and would additionally
enhance the preservarion of forirt resources by
providing altern~tive source of fuel. The procedure
of p~.oducrion is also siniple and relatively cheap.
The IUI~JfIa nlilies could easily learn to set up and
~nclnageth e Nogas reactor.