



The study sought to identify the benefits derived from corporate governance practice, assess the challenges encountered in corporate governance practice, and determine the nature of the relationship between corporate governance and organizational effectiveness. The study has a population size of 613, out of which a sample size of 242 was realized using Taro Yamane’s Formula at 5% error tolerance and 95% level of confidence. The Instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and interview. A total of 242 copies of the questionnaire were distributed while 191(79%) copies were returned and 51(21%) were not returned. The Survey research design was adopted for the study. Three hypotheses were tested using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and chi- square statistical tools. The findings indicated that good corporate governance practice improves corporate performance, improves access to international capital markets and attracts quality foreign investments. Supply of accounting information, demand for information and monitoring cost are challenges encountered in corporate governance practice. There is a positive relationship between corporate governance practice and organizational effectiveness. The study recommended that organisations should be providing shareholders with periodic reports on changes affecting the shareholders in the company, and should hold regular meetings with members of the Board of Directors to ensure that their roles should be done.