
Developing Salt Licks For Ruminant Animals.



In an experiment designed to develop mineral salt
lick blocks for ruminants, two principal methods were adopted,
viz, the cold and warm methods. The blocks were fed to sheep
to determine their effect on nutrient intake and degestibilities,
and also the blood serum levels. Nine ewes were used in the
feeding trial, three ewes each were fed on two of the salt lick
blocks respectively, while three ewes were used as control, The
feeding of the salt lick to the animals was done using a Completely
Randomized Design procedure and lasted for 28 days, made up of
21 days equilibration and a collection period of 7 days. From
Labnratary and Statistical analysis of samples and data respectively
results were obtained on the following:
Dry matter intake, Dry matter digestibility, Crude protein
digestibility, Ether extract digestibility, Nitrogen free extract digestibility , Total digestible nutrf ent and Blood serum levels of
calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
The result showed that, of the two methods used for the
development of the salt block viz, the Cold and the Warm methods,
the Narm method gave a block that was much more stable, durable,
resistant to solvent dissolution and did not exhibit any degree
or pastiness on exposure to the sun.