
Development of the Technology for Canning Locally Cultivated Edible Mushrooms



The technology of canning Pleurotus plumonarius – an edible variety of mushroom that is locally cultivated in Nigeria, was developed. The Mushrooms were characterized by grading into A, B, C and D, to enhance its processing. Proximate analysis revealed a slight variation in the composition of the grades. Grade A had the highest protein content 3.65%, followed by C- 3.35%, B-3.33% and D- 2.26%. The intensity of respiration and energy released by Pleurotus plumonarius at 240C was 1.33 times less than when stored at 310C. Weight gain of mushrooms during soaking and blanching treatments increased with time, while the rates of water absorption was inversely proportional to soaking/ blanching time, however absorbance of the soak water was directly proportional to soak time. Mushroom stalk absorbed more water then mushroom cap. The various mushroom grades were found to require different quantities of water during processing. Five products (two recipes of mushroom in brine), mushroom in cream sauce, mushroom in mushroom juice and mushroom in water) were subjected to sensory evolution and three of the formulated products (two recipes in brine and mushroom in cream sauce) acceptable.