
Developmental Psychology and Education: Theories, Issues and Trends



Developmental psychology is a diverse and very rich
field in educational psycl~ology.ASa field, it deals with the
processes, issues, and problems associated with getting
conceived, developing in the womb, being born, and
growing up hun~an.It is concerned with the chronological
unfolding of the mrious aspects of the child's development,
nan~elyphysical, motor, intellectual, emotional, social,
language, moral development, and so on. This explains why
this book is titled: Developnzentlrl Psychology m d Edzacrrfion:
Theories, Issues and Trends. The objectiveof the book: Devclopmerz fa1 Ps~~chology and
Education: Theories, lssrres crnd Tre~7ds is to wrap-up the diverse
knowledge in developinental psychology in a manner that
presents sufficient material for undergraduate students and
at the same time stimulate interest c?f research students of
educational psychology.