By Anaduaka, Uche S.
This study set out to determine the effect of the Multiple Inteliigcnces
teaching approach (MITA) on students' achievement and intcrest in
geometry. It also investigated the influence of gender on achievement and
interest of students in geometry, when teaching method used is the Multiple
Intelligences approach. The design employed was the non-equivalent
control-group quasi experimental design, involving 118 SS1 students in
Ajaokuta Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. Four research
questions and six null hypotheses, were stated to guide the study.
Instruments used for data collection were a Geometry Achievement Test
(GAT) and a Geometry Interest Inventory (GII). Analysis of data was done
using mean, standard deviation and 2-way (2 x 2) analysis of covariancc
(ANCOVA). Results indicated among others that the Multiple Intelligences
teaching approach - enhanced students' achievement and interest in
geometry. Further, no significant difference was found in the achievement of
male and female students taught with the Multiple Intelligences teaching
approach. The findings enabled the researcher to conclude that the Multiple
Intelligences teaching approach is very effective in the teaching and learning
of geometrical contents. Recommendations were therefore made on the basis
of these findings. In particular, it was suggested that the MITA be adopted
for the effective teaching of mathematics in secondary schools, and that the
approach be incorporated in the pre-service as well as the in-service training
of teachers so as to popularize its use.