
Extension Implications of the Technological Capabilities of the Baking Industry in South-Eastern Nigeria



The technological capabilities of 32 bakeries in Onitsha, Owerri, Aba and Nsukka,
were using the managers, supervisors, factory-floor workers in the bakeries and bread retailers and consumers. These include investment, production, linkage, minor change, strategic marketing, major change capabilities and learning mechanisms.. Male workers did those tasks requiring heavy expenditure of energy or heavy equipment. Onitsha bakeries were more technologically developed than Nsukka bakeries. Aba bakeries were larger and employed more people.. Most of the bakeries were knowledgeable about the correct bread ingredients although 15.5% and 25% of them, respectively, were still using
saccharine and potassium bromate that have been banned in bread making due to adverse health reasons. Learning and training in the bakeries were generally non-formal and synchronous. There was high mobility of labour due to poor salaries. Tasks in the bakeries were also divided along gender lines There were some linkages between the bakeries and raw material suppliers, local equipment fabricators, NAFDAC and few other agencies from where they received some assistance. Some raw material suppliers also trained bakery workers on the use of their products to produce bread. Public and private
extension organizations did not play any direct role in their affairs