
Family Violence - Wife Beating, Husband Nagging, Child Battering



The Medical Women International Association (MIA) was founded-in New York City in 1919, with its headquarters in Vienna, Austria. The premier aim of the MWIA is to expand the role of women in the achievement and maintenance of health throughout the world. The motto is "Matri$ Animo Curant" meaning "Caring with the love of a mother". Nigeria is one of some hundred member countries of MWIA.

The Medical Women Association of Nigeria (WAN) was founded in 1977 at Ibadan. Since then 7 zonal branches have been formed comprising Lagos, Ibadan, Benin, Ondo, Rivers, Cross River, and Anambra zones. The Anambra zone of the W A N was inaugurated in 1 979.

The objectives of the W A N are: -
1) To provide a means of communication between lady doctors in different parts of the country.

2) To promote the general interest of the lady doctors and foster friendship and understanding among them.

3) To hold regular meetings and conferences to confer and take necessary actions on matters relating to the health of the communities they serve.

4) To provide a forum for discussion and interchange of ideas on matters particularly relating to women.