



The study is on impact of National Agency for Food, Drug, Administration and Control (NAFDAC) on quality management of Nigerian manufacturing sector, a study of Juhel Plc and Nigerian Bottling Company both in Enugu. The study has the following objectives: to determine the quality control methods in use by NAFDAC to ensure compliance with standard specifications, to identify to what extent manufacturing sector adopts quality management practice, to determine to what extent NAFDAC achieves its objectives on the Nigerian manufacturing sector. The research design adopted is survey. A Sample size of 315 was determined from the population of 1,500 using Taro Yamane’s sample size determination method. The instruments used for data collection was questionnaire structured in a Likert five point scale which was validated with content validity. Findings indicate that routine inspection and market surveillance are quality management methods used by NAFDAC to ensure compliance with standard specifications, the extent to which Nigerian manufacturing sector adopts quality management practice is high, the extent to which NAFDAC achieves its objectives on the Nigerian manufacturing sector is high. The researcher concludes that NAFDAC ensures that organizations develop a process that incorporates quality during production rather than a process that attempts quality through inspection after production. Qualitative personnel ensures quality of final products as they are customer driven with continuous improvement of process. Better raw materials, better machines, and better choice of manufacturing process ensures that quality is inherent in the product. The study recommends that all the regulatory agencies should ensure that consumers are protected and got redress when the need arises. National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) should be transparent and should not connive with scrupulous officers and manufacturers to lower standard. Government should collaborate with NAFDAC to ensure that the purpose for which it is set up was realized by ensuring that offenders are brought to book. There is need that manufacturers on their part should imbibe good organizational culture by not allowing themselves to be policed around by regulatory agencies. Consumers should ensure that products they are buying have NAFDAC registration number and expiring date.