
Proposing Land Evaluation Criteria For Soil Of Nsukka Area At Two Levels Of Technology



This work proposes land evaluation criteria for
agricultural land use in Nsuklca area under two levels of
technology. Soil characteristics and limitations to crop
production in the study area are used to establish land
suitability classes.
Ten land utilization types were described based on
five crops that are grown in the study area. The evaluation
of these land utilization types is based on three land mapping
units namely Uvuru, Nsukka and Nkpologu series.
Soil characteristics are rated based on how far the
soil- conditions of the soil unit meet crop requirements. A?,
conversion table was constructed for each land use based on
the selected test crops. Soil requirements of crops were
compared with the soil inventory by matching to bring the
needs of the land use more closely into harmony with the
resources of the land. Tentative land suitability evaluation
of the ten land utilization types was carried out.
Five land utilization types were considered at low
level of technology. The evaluation shows that Nkpologu
soil is moderately suitable for four of the land utilization
types but marginalised in one. Neukka aeries on the other
hand, is marginally suitable for three land utilization