
Technological Capabilities of the Small Scale Soymilk Enterprises in Nsukka Urban, M. Sc. Project, Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka



This study was carried out to determine the extension implications of the
technological capabilities of small-scale soymilk enterprises in Nsukka urban. The enterprise level interview schedule was used for the survey. The study revealed that all the Soymilk enterprises studied had a simple centralized classical organizational structure. Ninety six percent of these enterprises were established and managed by women. Majority of them (88%) were established between 1995 and1999. All the soymilk enterprises were located in the respondents’ residence and integrated with the household cooking activities. Majority of the enterprises (68%) invested less than N10,000.00, while only 8% invested above N60,000.00 solely on their soymilk enterprise. The money invested was obtained from personal savings (68%), family income (24%) and other sources (8%). Sixty four percent of the enterprises earned less than N1,000.00, while only one earned above N3,000.00 per week. Many of the soymilk processors lacked proper knowledge about soymilk preservation, prevention of contamination and packaging. This resulted in losses due to spoilage of the soymilk.