
The Relevance of Technical College Motor Mechanic Curriculum to the Entrepreneurial Need of Motor Mechanic Graduates of Technical Colleges in Enugu State



This research work sought to assess the relevance of technical college motor mechanical
curriculum to the entrepreneurial need of motor mechanic graduates of technical colleges
in Enugu State. This work attempted to assess how far the curriculum is enhancing the
achievement of the laudable goal of encouraging entrepreneurship. The survey type of
descriptive design was adopted. Two research questions and two hypotheses were
formulated to guide the shidy. An 85-item questionnaire was generated. The
questionnaire was face validated by specialists and was tested for reliability. Fifty-six
motor mechanic workshop owners, and managers/supervisors in companies' motor
mechanic service workshops in Enugu State (specifically Enugu and Nsukka Towns)
were used as specialists. Motor mechanic graduates of technical colleges in Enugu State
who are not yet occupying management positions (most of them working under the
speciatists) were also used. There were156 of these graduates making a total of 222
respondents in this research work. The research questions were answered using the mean
scores and standard deviations while the hypotheses were tested using the t-test at 0.05
level of significance. The major findings of the study were that motor mechanic graduates
of technical colleges in Enugu State do not possess adequate motor mechanic
entrepreneurial skills; could only perform common place motor vehicle maintenance
duties but were rated very low on entrepreneurial skills and modem motor mechanic
skills. It was recommended that technical college motor mechanic curriculum be
reviewed at the implementation level with the addition of more information
technoIogy/electronic elements to the motor mechanic curriculum contents, employ
experienced and regularly retrain teachers and make proper link between technical
colleges and industries.